Elemental Medicine Making Offering for Specific and Individualized Needs
I work creatively and intuitively with plants, stones, and the celestial bodies to make elemental extracts that support an individual’s specific process. With the insights and tools of many paths of ancient wisdom and our own inner knowing we target the root spiritual and emotional issues and blockages which in turn assists the whole being on a spiritual, emotional, and also physical level.
This offering consists of a phone call to discuss the key issue and gather information regarding the needs of the individual. The making of this elemental medicine is done so in prayer and ceremony, asking Spirit, that an assistive vibration and input be brought forward through the medicinal qualities of our plant, mineral, and spirit allies. The medicines usually take around a month to make as the extraction process is typically a lunar cycle. These medicines come in the form of a tincture or body oil infused with herbs and gem and/or flower essences.
The medicine will come with any messages or mantras received in the process of it’s creation and a written explanation of why each ingredient was included.
Working in co-creation with Nature’s gifts and cycles is the cornerstone of my life and where I feel most connected to myself and the whole. I am very happy to share in the making of medicine to assist you on your healing path.
Monetary Exchange: $60 includes consultation, medicine, and writeup
Please email colibrihealing@gmail.com to inquire or schedule a session